In the post-pandemic era, Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation (India) & @Pure Joy Records (Austria) have collaborated to produce the video The 3 Aspects of Goddess Lakshmi:
Get to know about Sahaja Yoga Meditation & experience peace within
Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation CREATES media productions through creative artists that raise human awareness through a novel technique called Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Share the beautiful experience of Self-Realization with everyone around the world through the movie Grihalakshmi – The Awakening (Dubbed in English) –
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For more information, please visit our website: & contact us at:
Shri Raja Lakshmi Vandana 
A prayer song for the Goddess of royal dignity, well-being and prosperity. Shri Raja Lakshmi is one main aspect of the Lakshmi tattwa. Based on the lyrics from the ‘Ashta Lakshmi Stotram’ by Shri Adi Shankarcharya. This song is part of the music project called ‘The Nirmala Project’.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923-2011) granted spiritual liberation and awakening of the Kundalini, free of charge, for more than 40 years. She was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, recipient of the UN Peace Medal and was twice honored by the US Congress. She was internationally recognized for her contribution to humanity through a lifetime of work for peace and the well-being of mankind. She received awards and citations from the governments of many countries in recognition of her selfless efforts for social & spiritual upliftment.
With this music project we thank Shri Mataji, our spiritual mother, for her tremendous work. Nirmala means “pure” or “spotless” and is the ultimate mantra to guide this process with you.
The Spirituality behind the music
Inside every human being, there exists a subtle system of channels (nadis) and energy centers (chakras) which looks after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. The subtle system of chakras and nadis needs cleansing and balance in order to achieve (and later) to maintain the connection to our Atma. Do start your own journey to purify your subtle system and to achieve this spontaneous union which is called Sahaja Yoga. Here is a great website to start right away:
For more spiritual heart music, do visit the Pure Joy Records – YouTube Channel –
Video credits
Music & Voice-over Sanjay Roshan Talwar – Voice, video theme-song, Qualities of Shri Grihalakshmi, Mahalakshmi
Aparna Gangopadhyay – Voice, Qualities of Shri Lakshmi
Vera Subkus – Voice, Qualities of Shri Raja Lakshmi
Tatiana Samoilowa – Voice
Malte Raff- Voice
Music ‘Shri Raja Lakshmi Vandana’
Ronald Subkus – Voice, composition
Tatiana Samoilowa – Voice
Malte Raff – Guitar, bass, arrangements, recording, mixing, mastering
@Sia Reddy – Composition of violin parts
Copyrights: Pure Joy Records Vienna Stream- Download music, visit & contact us at:
Background Music by Sanjay ‘Roshan’ Talwar’Sabko Jagruti Do’
‘Jaago Kundalini Maa’ – Full Song –
‘Teri Saanso ki Jab ek ladi’ – Full Song –
Copyrights: Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation
Painting ‘Shri Raja Lakshmi’
Jana Dallosova – Visit her website: & contact her at –
Audio-Visual Edits
Aditya Chourasiya
Aparna Gangopadhyay
Vaibhav Mittal
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